Many gamers do not have the tablespace, storage space, or a nearby gaming partner to play their favorite games. To play most games on Tabletop Simulator, Vassal, or Tabletopia you must own a physical copy of the board game. This is no longer needed with our Companion Books.
Bound between our Companion Books covers are the latest module rules and scenarios. All the important player aids like the Combat Tables, Terrain Effects Card, and a reworked Skill reference card are included.
Our Companion books can be used along with our latest box edition game, an earlier box edition game, or for virtual gaming. You no longer need to own the board game to enjoy our Vassal, Tabletop Simulator, and Tabletopia modules and be considered fully licensed. You can also use our Companion Books as a reference with our Digital games on Steam.
Revised: April 18, 2022
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